Refining refinery - stability and user experience improvements

This release mainly focuses on improving both the stability as well as the performance of refinery. Newly uploaded records are embedded and attribute-enriched automatically after the upload and your refinery configuration now stays consistent even when switching browsers.

Automatic creation of attributes and embeddings on newly uploaded records

When uploading new records to refinery, the attribute calculation and the embeddings are now automatically run and included. Previously, it was necessary to re-create attributes or re-run embeddings after adding new records, which wasn’t optimal for an efficient user experience.

Persisting the configuration

One of the first things to do in the open-source version of refinery is adjusting some global settings on the configuration page. Previously, these settings were saved in the browser storage, which resulted in problems when accessing refinery through a different browser.

Now, the settings are persisted in the database, which resolves this issue!

Minor Changes

Bug fixes

  • Adding a comment to specific record on the project-settings page shows the comment for all records issue #228
  • crowd heuristic state not properly updated issue #227
  • Uploading new records with the same labels duplicates the labels issue #225
  • Manually uploaded labels not available when downloading records issue #224